We are proud of our reputation
for delivering the highest quality work

We honor the memory of the victims of the Second World War and celebrate the Victory Day

On May 8, Ukraine, along with the entire civilized world, honors the memory of millions of victims of World War II and celebrates Day of Victory over Nazism.

Without learning the lessons of history, the Russian Federation has launched a new war in Ukraine, which has been going on for eight years now, taking the lives of our compatriots every day.

Ukraine gives a decent rebuff to the aggressor, constantly strengthening its defense capabilities, raising the price of intervention for the aggressor to unacceptable, continues the struggle for freedom.

We are proud of the glory of those who brought the expected peace and bow our heads in memory of the fallen. A low bow to the veterans, who took a serious challenge, showed the whole world courage, endurance and finally won a great victory!

Glory and honor to the heroes who have defended Ukraine at all times!

Remember! We win!

Chairman of the Board

NGO “Association of Manufacturers of Arms and Military Equipment of Ukraine”