We are proud of our reputation
for delivering the highest quality work

About Association

Established in 2017, the Association of Ukrainian Defense Manufacturers (AUDM) provides a forum in which members can discuss and find solutions to common problems affecting business in Ukraine. This initiative was initially supported by Volunteers Advisory Council under the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and has grown to become one of the largest and most influential defense industry business communities in the country. With more than ninety members, AUDM is the largest premier union of defense businesses operating in markets of:

  1. Production of weapons,
  2. Production of military equipment,
  3. Production of special equipment (tracking systems, wiretapping, secret communication systems).
  4. Production of apparel and military means.

The Team of  Association has it all

The AUDM has it all – not only does it offer a great networking and lobbying platform and personal advice on a national scale, the organization also contributes to the U.S.-Ukraine relationship and cooperation. The Association is negotiating with the countries of Europe and the Middle East on the construction of bilateral partnerships at the level of non-governmental organizations and business.

Team of the Association of Ukrainian Defense Manufactures ( AUDM) :

– is an experienced and professional GR-advisor for your company,

– It is a help in establishing partnership with the government,

– It is a way to establish business relations with the best international and Ukrainian companies.

The Association of Ukrainian Defense Manufacturers (AUDM) provides a platform for the defense industry leaders, scientists and government to work out solutions and policies aimed at ensuring the national interests and meeting the needs in defense area by focusing on the development of defense industry of Ukraine.

If you are looking for a high quality government relations advisor, an accelerator in building meaningful relationships with the government, or a guide to your fellow businesspeople in Ukraine, the AUDM is the place to be. We have relationships with numerous big-name companies to truly provide the best of the best for our members.

The AUDM allows for an expansive reach through our web of connections throughout the whole country – with offices located in the largest business spots – Kyiv, Kharkiv, L’viv, Odesa and Dnipro.


Policy Issues:

AUDM works to strengthen the government-industry partnership through dialogue, education activity and cooperation with the Government and Parliament. Through its Policy team, AUDM ensures monitoring, education activities for its members, and informs as to changes to legislation that directly affect the activity of defense and security sector.


Vision of AUDM 2019

The Association is a trusted partner and advisor to the Government and Parliament of Ukraine on national security and defense issues. The Association provide comprehensive support to the state authorities on the elaboration of policies and strategic documents, as well as on certain defense issues.


Vision of Industry 2022 (by AUDM)

In regard to the ratings of the world’s respected scientific and research institutions by 2022, Ukraine would have the best conditions for doing business in the field of production and development of the weaponry and military technology.


Mission of AUDM

AUDM engages the effective and innovative leaders to develop and implement decisions, the best practices, policies and advanced technologies in the defense and national security sector by focusing on defense industry Cluster development.



Innovations, responsible leadership, results.


The purpose of the Association

The AUDM’s main goals are to create the conditions for implementing the market economy principles in defense industry sector of Ukraine by means of:

1) Facilitating the implementation of attractive investment climate:

– Creating for the foreign companies the attractive investment environment; the development of effective mechanisms to ensure the investments;

– Development of cooperation with the foreign manufacturers; the development and realization of joint projects;

– Private and state partnership.

2) Deregulation:

– Lowering the level of state regulation, and the liquidation of conditions for corruption influence in the defense manufacturing area;

– Facilitating and optimizing the legislation in the area of regulating the market of defense and weapons in Ukraine.

3) Liberalization:

– Creating the competitive environment and providing the equal conditions to all the participants of the defense market of Ukraine, including the equal tax burden and equal conditions of access to forming the government procurements;

– Preventing the state enterprises or their military-security complexes from monopolizing the defense market of Ukraine;

– Liberalizing the export and import of weapons, and increasing the effectiveness of export control;

– Creating the mechanism of providing the public control over the activities of state institutions in the area of government defense procurements;

– The free entry of enterprises to the foreign market.


The main AUDM’s tasks are aimed at:

– ensuring public control over the activities of the state authorities and enterprises in the sphere of the state defense order;

introducing open and transparent decision making procedures within the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine by means of publishing on the current issues in the media,

– founding a periodical; providing the state authorities with expert support (legal, economic, technical) while developing strategies, policy documents, legislation, other regulatory documents;

– organizing international cooperation, engaging international experts for solving the burning problems of the Ukrainian defense industry, primarily the experts representing the NATO member-states;

– creating attractive investment climate for foreign companies, developing effective guarantee mechanisms for securing investments into the sphere of development and production of modern armaments and military equipment;

– enhancing cooperation with foreign producers, developing and performing joint projects.