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Ukraine celebrates Europe Day

Every year on the third Saturday in May, Ukraine celebrates Europe Day.

This is a special day for Ukrainians, because our country and the EU are united by common values, history and culture.

The Council of Europe celebrates this holiday on May 5. On the 9th of May the European Union celebrates Europe Day as the anniversary of the proclamation of plan on Europe’s exit from the postwar crisis written by French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman on May 9, 1950, also known as the Schuman Declaration. The first recognition of Europe Day took place in the Council of Europe in 1964. Later, the European Union launched its own European Day to commemorate the Schuman Declaration, which is why it is also called “Schuman Day”.

In Ukraine, the holiday has been celebrated since 2003 on the third Saturday in May in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine.

This holiday once again reminds us that Europe does not begin outside Ukraine – it begins in the heart of every Ukrainian. And we are members of the European community. This is a day of common values, common history of all nations of the continent.

Ukraine is a European country not because its territory is the center of Europe, but because Ukrainians have long professed the principles of freedom and independence that are inherent in many peoples of other states.

Since ancient times, Ukraine has been a full-fledged and integral part of the European community, a large family united by progressive democratic views. This day is a great occasion to reaffirm Ukraine’s desire to live in peace and harmony, to build its future among the countries of a united Europe.

This holiday is a vivid example of how successful cooperation between states can be based on the principles of peace, unity, confession of common values ​​and interests.

Ukraine has always been a part of European civilization. Today we no longer need to prove to anyone that Ukraine is Europe. Modern Ukraine has stated its choice of civilization clearly and unambiguously.

Ukraine’s strategic course is to become a full member of the EU and NATO.

To this end, it is envisaged to achieve sufficient interoperability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other components of the security and defense sector with the relevant structures of Allied countries as soon as possible and to receive invitations and join the NATO Membership Action Plan.

Ukraine’s security system is part of a larger security system, including the global international security system, whose main architects are the UN and NATO, and the European security system, formed with the leading role of the European Union, NATO, OSCE and countries in the region.

Happy Europe Day!

Ukraine is Europe!

Chairman of the Board

NGO “Association of Ukrainian Defense Manufacturers”