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AutoKrAZ can become a supplier of trucks for the US Army and allies

According to autoconsulting.com.ua, AutoKrAZ has signed a three-year contract for the supply of KrAZ 4×4 trucks and spare parts to the US Army contract command.

The cars ordered include transport for personnel, trucks, water and fuel tanks.

The deal was signed by US21, a leading provider of integrated products, services and logistics to the US Department of Defense, national security agencies, federal civilian agencies, major contractors and nonprofits around the world.

Focusing on logistics, US21 designs and develops solutions that support a wide range of important national security and assistance programs.

“Despite the fact that there are no additional details about the contract, we can assume that this somewhat unexpected contract is a desire of the United States to support Ukraine in its current conflict with separatists supported by Russia. The purchased cars will probably not be used by the US Army itself, but will be provided to the Allies,” – the ArmyRecognition.

So far there are no details on the contract itself, and what its three-year period means. There is no understanding about the number of expected deliveries of KrAZ trucks, about the models and mechanisms of contract implementation.