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Anti-drone integration: THeMIS unmanned platform will be able to fight UAVs and barrage ammunition

Безпілотний наземний апарат THeMIS від компанії Milrem Robotics, що викристовується силами оборони Естонії в Малі під час операції "Бархан" / Фото: сили оборони Естонії

Unmanned ground vehicle THeMIS from Milrem Robotics, used by the Estonian Defense Forces in Mali during Operation Barkhan / Photo: Estonian Defense Forces

The unmanned platform THeMIS from the Estonian manufacturer Milrem Robotics has received another function relevant in today’s reality

Source: defense-ua.com

Estonian robotics and autonomous systems developer Milrem Robotics and world-class supplier of anti-drone solutions Marduk Technologies have developed a unique mobile autonomous platform C-UAS.

The C-UAS platform consists of a THeMIS unmanned ground vehicle and a Marduk Shark optoelectronic system.

Робот THeMIS

How THeMIS together with Marduk Shar will fight against enemy UAVs and barrage ammunition

This mobile solution makes it possible to detect, classify and strike with high-precision barrage ammunition, reconnaissance drones, etc. with high accuracy, using modern solutions, including artificial intelligence and machine learning.

The C-UAS mobile platform can be integrated with kinetic and non-kinetic weapon systems, as well as with various sensors, radars, lasers, etc.

THeMIS platform and Marduk Shark optoelectronic system

According to the developers, the use of mobile platforms with autonomous capabilities gives the defense forces the ability to move them according to the threat assessment; mobility also provides early warning of forces in various positions.

“The C-UAS mobile stand-alone platform gives our customers an extra level of protection and expands our product portfolio, allowing us to provide more opportunities for our customers,” said Martin Simon, CEO of Marduk Technologies.


“Autonomous UAVs, equipped with a C-UAS payload, create new opportunities on the battlefield that allow troops to focus on their main task – fighting the enemy,” said Kuldar Vyaersi, CEO of Milrem Robotics.


Milrem Robotics continues to experiment with the payload for its platform. Earlier, Defense Express said that the company UVision Air Ltd. and Milrem Robotics joined forces to introduce two robotic combat vehicles equipped with multi-channel kamikaze drone launchers.

One of the variants of the concept of joint use of ground and air drones: Type-X from Milrem Robotics is combined with a multi-channel launcher for barrage ammunition systems Hero-120 and Hero-400EC from UVision

The two robotic munitions equipped with barrage ammunition presented by the Israeli and Estonian companies can radically change the rules of the game on the battlefield.