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Equipment of the Armed Forces with armament and equipment in 2018.

Equipment of the Armed Forces with armament and equipment in 2018.

The Ministry of Defense has issued an annual newsletter White Book. Armed Forces of Ukraine “, which contains information on testing, modernization and procurement of weapons for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In order to re-equip the Armed Forces and other components of the Defense Forces with modern and upgraded samples (complexes, systems) of weapons, military and special equipment, in 2018 the Ministry continued work on the tasks of the State Target Defense Program for the Development of Arms and Military Equipment for the period up to 2022.

Under these conditions, more than 90% of the financial resource is aimed at modernizing the existing and purchasing new weapons and military equipment, and 10% of the funds for the financing of research and development works that are at the stage of conducting state (preliminary) tests and manufacturing prototype samples.

лзброєння і техніка ЗСУ

лзброєння і техніка ЗСУ