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At the Congress of the Union, a new Board was elected and approved key development directions

December 5, 2018 The Congress of the members of the Union of Manufacturers of Armament and Military Equipment of Ukraine was held.

During the event, reports of the Chairman of the Board and the Director on the results and current issues of the activities of the governing bodies of the Union were heard.

The amendments to the Charter of the Union were also discussed and agreed upon, a new composition of the Board and the Supervisory Board of the Association was appointed. In connection with the expansion of commercial activity of LLC KORT and the repeated appeal of the acting Chairman of the Board-President of the Association – Vadim Kodachigov to transfer his powers to the next candidate for the position of Chairman of the Board by voting at the Congress of the members of the Association of Manufacturers of Armament and Military Machinery of Ukraine The candidate of technical sciences, Director of the Concard Company Private Company – Emir Valeyev was elected, who at the congress briefly summarized his experience and possibilities. The Supervisory Board of the Association was headed by the acting Chairman – Umansky Dmitry Ilarionovich.

During the discussion of the strategic directions of the activities of the Union, development of close cooperation with other profile associations and organizations was agreed upon.

After the Congress, a working meeting was held between the Board and the Supervisory Board of the Association during which the rules and key principles of further work of the governing bodies of the Union were discussed.