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The modernized “Shilka” has undergone departmental tests

Модернізована Шилка пройшла відомчі випробування

The pilot sample of the modernized anti-aircraft self-propelled 3СУ-23-4M-A1 “Shilka” unit was undergoing departmental testing and was ready for controlled operation.

This is reported by Censor. NET.

The modernization carried out by the state-owned enterprise Arsenal involves the installation of a new multifunctional radar with a digital antenna array instead of analogue radar and the replacement of a specialized analog computer system to the modern digital. Also, the installation is equipped with a navigation system, a security system and a unit of digital-to-analog converters.

Arsenal, under an agreement with the Ministry of Defense, conducts research and development work on the modernization of the “Shilki” from 2015. The modernization is provided in three variants.

The second option, in addition to the innovations of the first, involves the installation of equipment for the installation of opto-location system, which has in its composition television and thermal imaging channels, as well as a laser rangefinder. The third variant adds a missile channel with four missiles “Eagle” (“Eagle”).

Work on the second and third variants is now underway.