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Good news from Abu Dhabi

The good news from Abu Dhabi, which once again confirms my idea that Ukraine has all chances to become not a “poor relative”, but a full-fledged partner of NATO. The inventions of our companies in the field of UAV’s usage and counteraction occupy the leading positions in the world!

The state is obliged to pay attention to the development of export potential, which will be based on the products of private defense manufacturers.

Expectations: more than a thousand new jobs and about $ 3 billion of foreign exchange earnings, part of which is to go for new inventions and increase the military budget, that will allow additionally to purchase weapons for our Army.

The amendments to the legal and regulatory framework were developed half a year ago by the Public Organization “Association of Ukrainian Defense Manufacturers”. More than a hundred private companies with competitive products expect to enter the foreign market!

It is signifacant: all the samples, presented in Abu Dhabi, are developed by private companies created by volunteer efforts!

Vadym Kodachyhov
President of Association